To deodorize the barn and paddock area, we mixed a 3 ounce per gallon mixture of Bio 10V and water in a garden type sprinkling can. After removing accumulated manure, we applied
Bio 10V over dung areas in paddock and barn. Odors dissipate within 30 minutes.
Wheelbarrow Deodorizing
We mixed Bio 10V in a watering type garden can and sprinkled it over the surface area of the empty wheelbarrow.
Bio 10V reduced the odors generated from the wheelbarrow and reduced the attraction of flies.
Alpaca Shows & Transportation
Alpacas are usually penned on grass sod over concrete floors during shows. They tend to stay in one spot which gets saturated. After removing manure, we sprayed dung areas with Bio 10V to deodorize.
Occasionally Alpacas are housed in horse stalls during shows. Box stalls have clay floors. To prevent the fleece on show animals from getting contaminated, we put down turf grass type rugs. The Alpacas go on top of the rungs which get stained and retain odor. After removing manure, we sprayed the rugs under the dung areas. It deodorized the rugs during the show and during the ride home in the truck.
The second advantage is stain removal from the turf grass. We have always used a pressure washer to clean the rugs when we returned home. We would use detergent recommended by the pressure washer manufacturer. The rugs were clean, but remained stained in the areas where the dung had been. When we sprayed the rugs with Bio 10V and then used the pressure washer, all of the stains were removed along with the odor
Alpaca Fiber
Initially I was concerned that the dark brown color of the Bio 10V might stain the fiber of the Alpacas if they would lie in an area where we had sprayed Bio 10V. I decided to experiment. I put white fiber into a bowl of full strength Bio 10V. I let it set for some time. I ran the fiber under water to rinse. I was delighted to find that not only did it not stain the fiber, but the rinsed fiber was snow white.
The leg fiber of Alpacas gets very dirty and stained from lying down in mud, grass and sometimes areas where there is manure. I now mix Bio 10V and put it into a spray bottle. I spray the legs of the Alpacas or any spot that is stained and then rinse with plain water from a hose. The stains roll off like magic.
Organic Products Company manufactures biologically active carbon-rich products that provide natural, effective, nontoxic solutions across a wide array of major industries. Our one-of-a-kind products are composed of beneficial microorganisms, bioavailable carbon, and organic humate compounds (humic and fulvic acid).
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