NutriHold Demonstrates Effectiveness as Turf Grass Treatment

NutriHold application improved turf color and increased nitrogen content of turf tissue in a separate test conducted by an independent lab

Golf Course Turf Trial

Upon its initial introduction to the horticulture market, NutriHold quickly established itself as an effective treatment for turf grass and sod. By providing the soil with beneficial microorganisms, bioavailable carbon, and organic acids (humic and fulvic acid), NutriHold may help develop soil conditions favorable for turf grass growth.

The photograph below is from a golf course nursery green and the difference between the NutriHold and control treatment is visually evident. Turf grass foliage tissue samples sent to an independent lab as part of an earlier trial also exhibited increased turf nitrogen content (which is associated with greener grass foliage) among the grass treated with NutriHold compared to the untreated control. The full report, with client information redacted, is available here.

Control (No NutriHold Applied)

NutriHold Applied

Agriculture, Horticulture & Turf Products

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