Bio 10V is a blend of a specially adapted package of biology blended with our Biologically Active Carbon based OP-9840.
This product is designed to:
Bio 10V is currently also being used in a Bio Digesters that is currently being used in University and Commercial kitchens around the country to breakdown food waste on site and eliminate the need for the food waste to be sent to landfills, thus reducing the pressure on landfills to expand.
The process with the Bio Digester entails adding Bio 10V to the machine on a schedule determined by the size of the machine that is placed in the institution. The food waste, ranging from 30 pounds per day up to several hundred pounds per day is placed into the Bio Digester.
Over the a time period that can range from 2 – 6 hours, which depends on the size of the machine in use and the volume of food waste added to the machine, the food waste is reduced to a flow of effluent water, that can then be stored and used for irrigation water depending on the institutions capacities or it is discharged into the municipal waste water system.
Bio 10V is also being used in South Africa in Municipal Waste Water Treatment Anaerobic Digesters where they have reported improved efficiencies to their systems with enhanced Methane Gas production that they capture and use to power the system.
Organic Products Company manufactures biologically active carbon-rich products that provide natural, effective, nontoxic solutions across a wide array of major industries. Our one-of-a-kind products are composed of beneficial microorganisms, bioavailable carbon, and organic humate compounds (humic and fulvic acid).
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